Authority to practice interjurisdictional telepsychology Authorization number 17097 Dr Sonja Benson has met the requirements to provide telepsychology services to any state participating in PSYPact Commission. You can check your state's participation at: Sonja Benson, Ph.D., L.P. (she/her/hers) 12805 W. Hwy 55, Suite 304 Plymouth, MN 55411
Hi! I’m Sonja Benson and I’m really excited to welcome you to my blog. I hope the topics I cover really speak to you and I welcome you to ask questions or suggest topics and I’ll do my best to cover them.
So, who am I and why am I writing a relationship blog? I’ve been practicing as a psychologist since 1996 and I specialize in couples and family therapy. Recently, I’ve had a stronger interest in prevention of serious relationship problems so I’ve started coaching as well. My goal is to help spread happy relationships around the globe.
I believe that we are made for relationships. There are so many kinds of relationships -- with ourselves, the families we are born into, our friends, our communities, our partners and our kids, and with a Higher Power. For me, that’s God and occasionally I will reference him but feel free to insert your own idea of who or what is the creative source for you.
My intention with this blog is to create a space to fully explore relationships, to open up possibilities for making relationships of all kinds the very best they could be. I welcome comments, feedback and sharing. We can form new relationships right HERE and that will be awesome! I look forward to all the fun we will have together.
Here’s to Red Hot Relationships of all kinds!