Finding balance in the busy month of May can be a little challenging at times. School is getting close to being done for the year. That usually means recitals, programs, graduations, parties, thank you gifts and cards to all the people in the kids' lives, finishing some sports and starting others. As my Norwegian relatives might say--Uffda! On top of all that, May brings Mother's Day, Memorial Day and gardens galore. Is anyone else feelings stressed, tired or overwhelmed yet?
Balance is challenging in our busy lives and not just in May. Even thinking about what balance means can make a person dizzy. There's the work/life balance. In our capitalistic, strong work ethic country that one gets harder all the time. Then there is the balance of how we spend our "free" time. We need to balance time with friends vs family. Within our family we need to balance time spent around kids' things and on adults' things. We need to find some balance between alone time and time as a couple. Then there is pressure to have balanced time as a whole family, with kids individually and with each parent.
The good news is that balance is a big picture idea. You can't fit it all into every day. Some days with be skewed toward one thing more than others. The idea is that hopefully we are thinking about how to find balance on a weekly and monthly basis. It's definitely possible to have a good mix of how time is spent to create more balance. It's all about choices.
The bad news--for some--is that finding balance probably means slowing down. Slowing down a LOT in many cases. Part of balance may mean saying "No" more often. Balance likely means setting some limits on work. Balance probably means being more choosy about social commitments. It will mean making sure kids' schedules aren't crazy and taking over family life.
Couples often find their out of balance lives take a big toll on their marriage. When kids' schedules are over packed, kids are stressed and parents have no time for each other. When work takes up more than a reasonable amount of life, family and couple times suffer.
It can be different.
Balance does not co-exist with fear of missing out (FOMO). Balance instead tends to co-exist more with peace. What could be possible in a society where people had more fear of missing out about having peace and true connection instead? My hope for each person is to take a few steps toward more balance and see.